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Unlocking Kizhoor’s Forgotten Legacy: The Village That Shaped a Nation

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

Unveiling the Heart of Kizhoor
The village History

Hidden away in the heart of Mangalam constituency, the quaint village of Kizhoor boasts a remarkable history that often goes unnoticed in the bustling affairs of the Union Territory. It’s a tale that revolves around a momentous event—the peaceful referendum that led to the liberation of Puducherry from French rule and its integration into India. However, Kizhoor, the epicenter of this transformation, remains relatively obscure on the national stage despite its pivotal role in shaping history.

The Turning Point: Kizhoor’s Referendum

The French relinquished their hold on Puducherry after India gained independence in 1947. But it was the historic referendum held in Kizhoor on October 18, 1954, that sealed the fate of four territories—Puducherry, Karaikal, Yanam, and Mahe—as they transitioned into Indian hands. On November 1 of the same year, these territories of French India were officially transferred to India.

The Path to Freedom: Key Milestones

The referendum, where the majority decision of the House of Representatives and Municipal Councils determined the outcome, paved the way for the final transfer of power to India on August 16, 1962. This pivotal moment came after the French government ratified the Treaty of Cession in its Parliament.

De jure Transfer Day: Commemorating August 16

Recognizing the significance of August 16, post-independence, the Puducherry government decided to commemorate the day annually as “De jure Transfer Day.” Amidst the serene backdrop of Kizhoor, a small shed stands as a humble testimony to the representatives who voted for the merger with the Indian State. Within this unassuming structure lies a closed room housing precious photographs of notable dignitaries, including India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, participating in the events leading up to the liberation of Puducherry. Adjacent to the shed, a flagpole rises proudly, waiting to unfurl the national flag on August 16, and a plaque immortalizes the names of the individuals who participated in the historic referendum.

Kizhoor’s Forgotten Heritage: A Cry for Recognition

However, the spirit of Kizhoor awakens only twice a year, on November 1 and August 16. The rest of the time, it fades into obscurity, with the museum accessible to the public just two days a year. Despite promises from successive governments to make Kizhoor a landmark in the Union Territory, little has been done apart from erecting an asbestos shed. Sadly, there’s been no concerted effort to promote this place of historical significance to the younger generation of the Union Territory.

Voices of Kizhoor: Advocating for Recognition

S. Ravichandran, a resident of Kizhoor, lamented this neglect, emphasizing that Kizhoor deserves recognition as much as Puducherry itself. He questioned why Kizhoor, which played a pivotal role in the UT’s history, remains in the shadows.

Renowned economist turned politician M. Ramadass shares these sentiments, pointing out that the government’s attention to Kizhoor is not commensurate with its illustrious historical importance. He noted that even the Chief Minister’s absence from the site on this significant day has left the memorial in a state of disrepair, rendering the area virtually deserted and unrecognizable as a place of monumental relevance.

Charting a Brighter Future for Kizhoor

Ramadass passionately advocates for Kizhoor to be developed into a place of prominence, suggesting the construction of a monument similar to Kamaraj Manimandapam, given its pivotal role in the history of the Union Territory.

Director (in-charge) of UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, Pondicherry University, Panch Ramalingam, echoes these sentiments and proposes a joint effort between the territorial administration and the Union Government to declare Kizhoor a UNESCO heritage site.

Reviving Kizhoor’s Legacy

To breathe life into Kizhoor’s historical monument, it must undergo renovation and potentially feature sound and light programs on weekends to attract tourists. Ramalingam envisions Kizhoor as an ideal destination for village tourism, with the tourism department facilitating transportation for tourists from the town.

Empowering Kizhoor: A Vision for Development

Further underscoring the importance of Kizhoor’s development, Ramadass suggests that the Sivaranthagam panchayat be transformed into a model village by leveraging the benefits of Central and State government schemes. This visionary plan, akin to the Kundrakudi experiment, could propel the village into the limelight, showcasing its developmental journey. Freedom, after all, is not just about breaking chains but nurturing the aspirations of a people. In this regard, Kizhoor, the nucleus of Puducherry’s independence, should proudly exhibit its journey of progress and development.

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