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Breaking News: Mustard Skittles Take the World by Storm! Unbelievable Flavor Fusion for National Mustard Day!

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Get ready to experience a flavor revolution like never before! Mustard Skittles are here to rock your taste buds and take the world by storm, just in time for the much-awaited National Mustard Day on August 5th. This daring collaboration between Skittles and French’s promises to be the talk of the town and leaves no one indifferent. Brace yourself for a tangy, sweet adventure that will redefine your candy cravings!

Mustard Flavored Candy – A Bold Fusion

In an audacious move, Skittles and French’s have dared to combine the tangy essence of mustard with the beloved chewy texture of Skittles candies. The result? A groundbreaking mustard-flavored candy that will leave you both astonished and craving for more. The bright yellow color of these candies perfectly complements their mustardy twist, making them a delightful treat for both the eyes and the taste buds.

A Mobile Mustard Candy Experience – Mustard Skittles

Are you brave enough to try this extraordinary flavor fusion? If so, you’re in for a treat! The “Mustard Mobile” is on the move, hitting the streets of three major cities: Atlanta on July 31st, Washington on August 2nd, and New York on August 5th. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to embark on a flavor adventure like no other! Make sure to visit the designated website for exact locations and times, and prepare to satisfy your curiosity with every chew.

An Unforgettable Sweepstakes

Can’t make it to the “Mustard Mobile”? Fear not! Skittles and French’s have something special in store for fans across the nation. Participate in the online sweepstakes for a chance to win a package of these limited-edition Mustard Skittles. Imagine the envy of your friends as you get to indulge in this extraordinary flavor from the comfort of your home. Hurry and enter for your shot at mustard-flavored candy glory!

Breaking the Flavor Boundaries

Creating bold and unique flavors has become a trend in the food industry, and Mustard Skittles have certainly raised the bar. With hot-dog-flavored popsicles and Velveeta martinis as some of the past crazes, this latest collaboration is a testament to Skittles’ and French’s willingness to break boundaries and delight their fans with unforgettable experiences.

Celebrating National Mustard Day in Style

For French’s, known for their innovative holiday stunts, this collaboration is yet another genius move. Remember the mustard-flavored donut in New York last year, or the yellow mustard-flavored ice cream in 2019? Now they’ve outdone themselves, adding Mustard Skittles to their list of flavor feats.


As National Mustard Day approaches, gear up for an adventure of flavors that will have your taste buds buzzing with excitement. Mustard Skittles bring together the unexpected and the familiar in a daring fusion that defies expectations. So whether you’re a mustard enthusiast or just a curious foodie, this unique flavor sensation is a must-try! Don’t miss out on the chance to taste history in the making – Mustard Skittles are here to stay!

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