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Fill in some textA NASA shuttle smashed a space rock at rankling speed Monday in a remarkable dress practice for the day a stellar stone threats Earth.

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The cosmic huge homerun happened at an innocuous space rock 7 million miles away, with the shuttle named Dart blasting through the little space rock at 14,000 mph

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Scientists expected the impact to carve out a crater, hurl streams of rocks and dirt into space and, most importantly, alter the asteroid’s orbit.

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The $325 million mission was the primary endeavor to move the place of a space rock or some other normal article in space.

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A NASA rocket has purposefully banged into a space rock in humankind's most memorable trial of planetary safeguard.

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The effect happened at 7:14 p.m. ET welcomed by cheers from the mission group in Tree, Maryland. 

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While the space rock, Dimorphos, was not in danger of affecting Earth, this showing 

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could decide how to divert space shakes that could represent a danger to Earth from here on out.

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At the hour of effect, Didymos and Dimorphos were somewhat near Earth 

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The group gauges that the space apparatus hit the space rock at a point around 55 feet away from the space rock's middle.