The Handmaid's Story is an American tragic TV series made by Bruce Mill operator, in light of the 1985 novel of a similar name by Canadian creator Margaret
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The series was requested by the web-based feature Hulu as a directly to-series request of 10 episodes, for which creation started in late 2016
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The initial three episodes of the series debuted on April 26, 2017; the ensuing seven episodes were delivered each Wednesday. In July 2019
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it was declared that Hulu and MGM were fostering a spin-off series, to be founded on Atwood's 2019 novel The Confirmations.
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In December 2020, in front of the fourth season debut, the series was recharged for a fifth season, which debuted on September 14, 2022
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In September 2022, in front of the fifth season debut, the series was reestablished for a 6th and last season.
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The Handmaid's Story's most memorable season won eight Early evening Emmy Grants from 13 designations, including Exceptional Show Series.
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"so The Handmaid's Tale" will return for a sixth season, and it will be the series' final season.